Violent Crimes Defense Lawyer in Texas

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Violent crimes is a term used to cover a wide range of offenses. Violent crimes are typically charged as felonies, which means the potential for greater punishment and more collateral consequences, like losing the right to vote or ownership and use of any guns you possess. As it is, a charge related to a violent crime can be significant and the prosecutor will not go easy on you, which means you must take significant steps to defend yourself immediately.

At Law Office of Robert M. Maurer II & Associates, our violent crimes defense lawyer in Bexar County handles these types of sensitive cases. We are determined to secure the best result for every client, no matter the circumstances or the odds. Contact us at (210) 222-8284 as soon as possible to schedule a Free Consultation about your case.

What Constitutes Violent Crimes in Texas?

Each state classifies violent crimes according to its own statutes. Generally speaking, violent crimes involve the use of force against a victim.

The use of force typically includes the threat of force or an attempt to use force.

Violent crimes are aggravated when the alleged offender uses a weapon or uses force against a certain class or categorization of people (e.g., the elderly, children, or emergency personnel).

Blood alcohol content (BAC) is a measurement of the amount of alcohol found in the blood expressed as a percentage. It is calculated in grams per 210 liters of breath, and a BAC of 0.08 means there is 0.08% alcohol by volume. Measuring BAC is a way for law enforcement to calculate the amount of alcohol someone has had and their ability to drive a motor vehicle. 

Examples of Violent Crimes in Texas

Sometimes referred to as offenses against the person, violent crimes include conduct ranging from assault to murder.

Examples of violent crimes include:

  • Assault
  • Aggravated Assault
  • Kidnapping
  • Robbery
  • Aggravated Robbery
  • Rape and sexual assault
  • Domestic violence
  • Murder and manslaughter

Potential Penalties for Convictions of Violent Crimes in Texas

The classification of a violent crime as a felony or misdemeanor usually depends on the level of injury caused to the alleged victim. Most violent crimes are classified as felonies and attract harsh sentences, even for first-time offenders. 

The penalties for violent crimes include but are not limited to

  • Fines
  • Probation
  • Parole
  • Community service
  • Rehabilitation or treatment classes
  • Imprisonment

Offenders can also be required to pay restitution to the victim. Given the repercussions of violent crimes and the need for general deterrence, a conviction for a violent crime can often result in a lengthy period of imprisonment.

More consequences, however, flow from a conviction aside from the sentence. These are known as collateral consequences and can include:

  • Loss of job
  • Difficulty finding a job
  • Difficulty attaining higher education
  • Difficulty obtaining a loan for a car, home, or anything else
  • Loss of voting rights (if a felony conviction)
  • Loss of the right to own and use a firearm (if a felony conviction)

A skilled criminal defense lawyer in Texas can help you first defend against violent crime charges. Depending on your circumstances, this could mean dismissal, reduced charges, a plea deal, or an acquittal. If you are convicted, a skilled criminal defense lawyer can also help you manage the collateral consequences of a conviction.

Three Reasons Why You Need a Texas Violent Crimes Defense Attorney

Getting charged with a violent crime can turn your life upside down. Here are three important reasons you need a violent crimes defense attorney.

  1. Plea Deals. Many alleged violent crimes offenders may be tempted to take the first plea deal, but if you are doing this on your own or with an inexperienced lawyer, that plea deal may actually work against you. You want a plea deal that benefits you. As it is, plea deals are not always your best option. So, you need a lawyer who can negotiate and pursue the best course of action for you.
  2. Honest Advice. Violent crimes are serious accusations. A conviction can really impact your life. Your reputation, personal relationships, job, and quite possibly your freedom are on the line. You need someone who will be candid and help you make smart moves as opposed to knee-jerk reactions.
  3. Full Picture. A prosecutor will not give you the whole scoop of what could or will happen, especially if you take a plea deal without representation. Also, the prosecutor will not tell you the extent and quality of the evidence they have against you, and you may not even know to ask. A lawyer gets the information and lays out the whole picture for you, identifying and explaining everything you need to know and how all options could potentially impact your life.

If you face a violent crimes charge in Bexar County, it is ultimately in your best interests to retain a competent criminal defense lawyer. At Law Office of Robert M. Maurer II & Associates, we are here to get you through this process and on with your life.

Contact a Violent Crimes Defense Lawyer in Bexar County Today

Given their potentially catastrophic consequences, violent crimes attract some of the harshest sentences. If you have been accused of committing a violent crime, you should speak to a defense attorney at Law Office of Robert M. Maurer II & Associates immediately. 

Our experienced attorney will review your case and explain your options, including any legal defenses that may be available to you. They can also help you prepare a strong defense and ensure your rights are protected throughout the legal process. Call (210) 222-8284 or submit an online form today to schedule a Free Consultation about your case.

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